Online collaboration tools and software are the ways to communicate, track and analyze the working of your teams with best outcomes… If still not using, try one of the tool and be a part of todays’ world…
Doing business online is now, not a big hurdle for any company… To grow fast in this world, full of technology, the entire basic and important role is being played by the online collaborating tools and software.
Collaboration is a key for a team to finish the task in the given period of time. Online collaboration tools have become the backbone of almost every company in the crucial time of COVID-19 pandemic.

During this Work From Home situation, to make teams to work with the best outcomes, Online collaboration tools are playing an easier, faster and important role. These tools and software has smoothen the working format by providing all major features like communication, projects and task management, real-time editing and much more.
Aren’t you working on any online collaboration tools yet! Not to worry, here’s a list of online collaboration tools that will surely support your team’s need… is one of the best and super easy collaborating tool, which organizes a customized platform for the team to work, can be accessed by each and every one without forgetting any of the minor-major tasks which may affect the outcomes on the deadline date. Some of the main features include video conferencing, calendar management, forums, documents and project managements, task managements, approval workflow, activity planning, application tracking and real-time editing.
This supports on both mobile (Android, iPhone and iPad) as well as desktop (Windows, Linux and Mac) with a help desk of 24/7. As a new user, here you will get live online training, webinars, videos etc. for future use.
GoToMeeting is a US based company, founded in 2003 and is best for all businesses with complete package of web meetings, project task management, brainstorming, action item and attendance tracking, audio-video calls and conferencing, news feed, automatic transcription, backup and recovery.
Similar to, this too supports on mobile and desktop with a help desk but do not provide 24/7 live chat support. For a new user, here you will be provided some of the pre-recorded videos for further use. Also, you must know that the major alternative of GoToMeeting is and vise-versa.
Asana is most commonly used as well as known software for project management. It was designed by the honorable members of Facebook community to improvise the work management and team collaboration. In this software, people are free to plan, create, assign work to the teammates with deadline and communicate with one other to get clear vision for the best outcomes.
Its features are same as above mentions except the video conferencing, but include board meetings, team chats and voting managements which make the team more productive.

So, till now you may have noticed that any teamwork requires a proper communication, trust and pre-planning before starting any task and these online collaboration tools are fulfilling almost all the demands in any workplace to get better and efficient outcomes. Using such tools, work transparency leads to better teamwork with a surety of team collaboration in working.
Hopefully, the article gave you the answer for the best collaboration tools and software, if liked, do share share and don’t forget to give your suggestion in the comment box below to motivate us.
Thanks for reading…
Prerna Mishra
Krishna Murari Mishra
Nice topic choosen.
Good in this scenario, when most of the work is going on work from home basis.
Vijay Laxmi Mishra
Very nice topic, which could be useful in this pendemic time. It really helpful to those who are working from home. They can do their work smoothly in team and communicate properly with the help of any one of the tool very effectively.
Keep it up.